RMIT WEARABLEs + Sensing Network (W+SN), 2019

W+SN Capability Mapping


W+SN Capability Mapping Activity. Photography by Adam R. Thomas, 2019.


The RMIT Wearables and Sensing Network (W+SN) brings together over 70 researchers from 11 University Schools to collaborate and connect. At the W+SN ‘Building New languages’ event we customised the Tactile Tools™ toolkit for a giant capability map to capture the skills of the interdisciplinary group. Participants were asked to ‘build’ their expertise area, as part of a two metre wide network map. This involved identifying domains of research and articulating the skills and capabilities that are critical to those domains. The activity encouraged conversations within research groups – “what is it that we actually do? What skills do we need to do this?”; but also an opportunity to create understanding between different research groups. The information from the capability mapping is being translated into data visualisations that will assist teams to understand their own, and others’, skills and capabilities.